Tuesday, July 8, 2008

cyclops is the new black

Kids Day at the Eaton County Fair - A huge opportunity for a busy day at the exhibit...And was it ever! We were able to talk to just under 400 people- adults and children alike- as the weather held out through the afternoon. Everyone wanted to see what we were all about, and get a hands-on experience with the tools and excitement of vet med. We were able to teach a lot of people about parasites, fractures, animal restraint, and everything in between. We also quickly found the plasticized pathology models from Dr. Patterson to be a great addition to the exhibit, and a huge hit with the crowds, particularly one group of young men who were fascinated with the equine cyclops: One wouldn’t even touch it, while others stared, covered their mouths, and were, essentially, floored. It was enthusing to see nearly grown fellas show such interest. It was more disconcerting to be offered $50 for it, which, of course, we had to decline. :]

We also were fortunate enough to be graced with the presence of special visitors Jeff and Kyle, who knew Lindsey from undergraduate time at MSU and also thoroughly enjoyed all the exhibit had to offer in additon to catching up a bit.

The day ended in fireflies and mosquitoes once again, and after a final show of radiology as the light faded, we packed up and tucked in after a memorable nonstop day at the Fair.

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