Wednesday, June 24, 2009

getting warmer . . . hot!

Perhaps inspired by the extreme heat and humidity, your HPSS student coordinators are off to a HOT start! We all got together for an HPSS pow-wow at a great little coffee house in Stockbridge, Michigan. Christina (who has an awful sense of direction) got lost in Hamburg on the way to the meeting, but finally she made it just in time! Ironically, as she was passing a sign for Hell, Michigan on the way home, she was pulled over by a policeman who claimed she hadn't paid for the gasoline she had just pumped. Not to worry though; there was simply a mistake made by the gas station attendant as to which pump she had used, and they quickly let her carry on her way after straightening out the mix-up.

Erin, Christina, Ryan, and Dr. Rode in Stockbridge

After a very productive meeting, everyone did eventually arrive back in East Lansing safely and we once again set to work! We met with Dr. Stickle in the veterinary hospital's clinical pathology laboratory, and she was very excited to help us teach you about blood! Dr. Stickle also helped us find a new microscope to call our own this summer, which was much needed! Now you will be able to take a look at fleas, ticks, and microfilaria up close and personal!

Christina checking out the great posterboard Dr. Stickle made in the clinical pathology laboratory.

We were also able to get you the newest issue of Perspectives Magazine, and we will be passing those out at the HPSS very soon (along with a very cool veterinary coloring page)! Ryan has been building up his biceps this summer taking care of nine Bernese Mountain Dog puppies (in between all of our HPSS adventures), and he was therefore so ready to pack up the magazines into our HPSS vehicle!

Ryan loading up the very heavy Perspectives Magazines!

Until next time, we will continue gathering anything and everything veterinary to bring your way this summer!

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