Tuesday, July 7, 2009

pack it up, pack it in!

Wow, we are getting so close and so excited/nervous now that we can't even sleep - feels like the first day of school! We only have a few last loose ends to tie up before we hit the road on Thursday and make our big debut in Croswell, MI!

Just before the 4th we got a couple of new microscopes that work GREAT! Dr. Stickle picked us up in her fun new car and together we traveled over to Fee Hall to see what we could find. You will certainly be in for a treat when you gaze into the eyepieces of these fabulous pieces of equipment! The fleas seem to come to life (careful)!

Dr. Stickle and Christina picking out the two best microscopes in Fee Hall

Your HPSS student coordinators finally made it over to the MVMA office today and cleared out the basement! After we got everything we needed together, we realized how much we had and we decided to go back and get the trailer! It turns out Ryan is an EXCELLENT trailer driver, and he even backed it into his garage! The only problem is that neither Ryan or Christina has mastered the very important skill of packing the trailer yet . . . and we had a few things topple over on our way back from the MVMA office today. No worries though, our goal tomorrow is to find a perfect packing method before we leave for the long drive on Thursday! We might even pack the fragile objects with some of everyone's favorite packing material - bubblewrap!

Take 1: The packing disaster (stay tuned for a picture of our second attempt).

We've got another long day ahead of us tomorrow, but we know we will be ready by Thursday. We CAN'T WAIT to hit the road and come meet all of you. We especially can't wait to show off all of these amazing veterinary tools and models we've been collecting over the past couple months. See you all on Thursday July 9th at the Croswell Fair!

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